Have you noticed kids under the age of 12 or so using the word sexy? Does it make you squirm? It should. Here’s why.
1) Sexy It’s not a kid word.
The last time I checked, sex is not for children. Sex is for later in life, so this means the word “sexy” shouldn’t be used by children. Sexy has to do with sex.
2) Childhood is already over-sexualized.
Our kids are exposed to so much adult-like sexual language, music, videos, TV and movies, it’s messing with their heads. Their hearts and minds aren’t ready for this level of information. When kids use this word, it contributes to this problem.
3) Hector the Molester wants your daughter to use the word SEXY.
He is smart enough to know this isn’t a kid word. If you daughter doesn’t know this, and you let her think it means something like “pretty” it makes her vulnerable to his charms. He will tell her she’s sexy and she will like it. Until she doesn’t.
4) It’s creepy to hear a child to say “Sexy”
Whenever I hear a child use the word, it freaks me out. Even if they are innocently singing along to “I’m Sexy And I Know It” I hate it. Ick.
5) Sexy, at its core, means “sexually attractive or stimulating.”
On what planet is it okay for children to use a word that means “sexually attractive”? I know, I know, it can also be used to describe kitchens and cars, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.
6) People feel uncomfortable when kids use the word “sexy”
This is just another version of #4, but they do – they feel uncomfortable when kids use this word because it’s not a word kids should be using.
What to do when your kid says “sexy”
What do you do when your kid is having a blast singing “I’m Sexy And I Know It” at the top of his lungs? You stop him and explain what “sexy” really means. You have a conversation about why kids shouldn’t use this word because sex isn’t for kids, people feel uncomfortable when kids use it and it’s kind of like a swear word when they do.
Tell them the “rule in your family” is this is not a kid word and they may not use it. Give them words they can use, like pretty, attractive, handsome, beautiful or cute. This is what they really mean anyway.