I am on a mission to help every kid grow up to be a whole and healthy adult! I do this by helping grown-ups just like you learn how to talk about sexuality.

Hi! I’m Amy Lang (she/her) and… I love to talk about sex!
And I’ve been talking about it since… drum roll please… 1991.
A long damn time.
Sexual health education and counseling were my passion for over 16 years and after we had our baby in 2000, I assumed I’d be a total pro at the birds and bees talks.
The minute I thought my kiddo was going to ask me a question about their penis I totally freaked-out.
Freaked. Out.
(And I know all about penises and how they work and where they go, even – I bet you have a pretty good idea too!)

- I didn’t know how much to tell him.
- I didn’t know what to tell him.
- I didn’t know when to tell him or even how to tell him.
Sound familiar?
So, I figured it all out for my family and my kid and then I put those years of sexual health education, my new-found knowledge and my Masters degree in adult education to work and created Birds & Bees & Kids – BirdAandBeesAndKids.com – in 2006.
After I started my company, our wonderful childcare provider was wrongly accused of molesting a child. This event inspired me to teach folks who work directly with children about childhood sexual development and sexual abuse prevention. You can learn more about my classes for professionals here.
A few more things about me.
I am a white, cisgender woman and married to a man. I am also…
- A parent
- American
- Educated
- Secular
- Liberal
- Very direct
- And tend to swear more than I should
Chances are, you didn’t have a trustworthy adult who made sure you were as ready as you could be for this fundamental and critical part of life.
With my help, you can become that person for your kid.
Can you imagine how amazing it would be for them?

I am also sex positive. This means I see sexuality as a wonderful and important part of life and I wholeheartedly embrace all sexual identities, genders, family structures and ethical relationship styles.
Sexuality is a charged topic with multiple perspectives and beliefs. I make every effort to make sure folks feel seen, heard and comfortable as they are learning.
My mission is to help every child grow up to be a whole, healthy and happy adult and I bet you want this for your child, too. Together we can make it happen!