In addition to your family values about sexuality, by eight-years-old your child should: Have an awareness of the life cycle of humans, plants and animals, including the needs and responsibilities for caring for them….
5 Things You Might Be Doing That Screw Up The Sex Talks
Please stop clinging to the mistaken belief that they will be ruined somehow if they know these things sooner rather than later because the opposite is true.
SURPRISE! Porn Impacts Teen Development
64% of surveyed students had watched porn Guest writer: Sam Watrous, for The Sentinel, Nathan Hale High School, Seattle, WA Porn Impacts Teen Development It’s surrounded by stigma and is too uncomfortable to talk about even with your close friends. You triple-check that your bedroom door is locked and make sure to clear […]
Please Tattle On Other Kids’ Inappropriate Social Media Posts
Due to his refusal to make sure his daughter was safe, even after she talked to him about this, she broke up with him. His unwillingness to even follow up with his child was a total and understandable deal breaker.
Big Sister Wonders If It’s Time For Her Teenage Sister To Use Birth Control
When do you think teens should start using birth control? Hey Amy! When do you think teens should start using birth control? I am 30 and my little sister is 15. Our parents did a terrible job of talking to me about sex and I am pretty certain they are repeating the past with my […]