Teenage Son Masturbating Video and She’s Scarred for Life! Hi Amy! What do you do if you find a deleted video of a kid jacking off in the bathroom, by himself, on the toilet. THE WHOLE THING FROM START TO FINISH? And sadly, it’s your own??!? Yup. This just happened. I got him a new phone […]
Guest Post: Talking to Kids About Sexual Orientation
If you had spent this evening at my home, what happened…erm, I mean ‘would have’ happened is that the room goes silent except for the faint tones of “Baby, it’s cold outside” playing in the background. Then everyone would turn and look at me expectantly.
Dating Smarts: What Every Teen Needs to Know to Date, Relate or Wait!
Your teen will learn about sexuality, teen dating, love, sexual decision making, healthy relationships, and a ton of other good stuff.
Kissing Games in Elementary School
Kissing games can be a big part of elementary school play. These games are developmentally appropriate, but as with any game that involves some sexual experimentation, adults need to intervene and so kids can learn boundaries. How to talk about kissing games with kids I’ve provided some scripts for talking to kids about these kind […]
What is the Difference Between a Transgender Child or Gender Non-conforming Child?
Trust your child to know their gender even if it doesn’t conform to the gender they were assigned at birth and may not make sense to you. Gender is not about what genitals a person has but who they know themselves to be in their heart.