CHIRP: Do your kids know that, primarily, sex is had for fun and pleasure?
99% of the time people have sex for fun because it feels good. They are actively trying NOT to have a baby and want to be really close to their partner and share the good feeling of sex.
There are lots of ways to be sexual with someone – kissing, hugging, touching each other’s privates and even their own privates. It’s never okay to force someone to do something sexual.
When people have sex, they agree to do all these things and talk about it before, during and after! This is called “consent” which basically means agreeing.
Sometimes when people have sex they have oral or anal sex, too. They put their mouth on each other’s privates or the penis goes into their partners anus.
This all may sound gross and weird to you – that’s normal, because you are a kid and you never have to do any of these things or even have sex.
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