Do you know what this is? You probably don’t really want to, but probably should, especially if you have boys.
Weirdly, I’ve known about this since I was a teenager – one of my high school classmates died from it.
Here’s the deal – this is when a person strangles himself or herself, usually by hanging from a shower curtain rod or hanger rod in a closet, because it heightens the sensation of orgasm.
Sadly, it can also kill if the person slips or goes “too far” – being a relative term in this case.
I suspect that because of the Internet, this trick may be making its way around to kids way sooner and faster than it did in my day.
So here’s the hard part – talking to your kids about this. Unfortunately, we’ve got a teachable moment in hand, “Kill Bill” star, David Carradine, probably died because of this on June 5th.
If your kids are 11 and older, you can talk to them about this. Keep it brief and to the point, and you might want to emphasize that orgasms on their own are pretty darned fabulous, doing things to “enhance” them probably isn’t worth the risk.